Essential beauty tips, secrets, and home remedies

Every woman wants flawless skin, lustrous hair, and a beautiful smile. Many beauty products can help you achieve that at a steep price. Alternatively, you can opt to use your kitchen items for homemade beauty remedies for any beauty issues you have. Kitchen ingredients are all-natural, and the right tips and tricks will give you excellent results, just like any high-end products. You will be amazed at what simple items like potatoes, tomatoes, and garlic can do to your skin. Here are some of the home remedies that you should try.

Photo by Brooke Lark

Face and Skin

  • Turmeric + Lemon Mask for Acne

Turmeric has antiseptic and anti-oxidant properties that make it ideal for dealing with pimples and acne. Couple it with Vitamin C from lemon juice, and you have an efficient mask to fight bacteria that cause acne. Mix two tablespoons of turmeric with one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to make a paste. Apply the paste on your face for five minutes or until it dries. Rinse with warm water and continue with your moisturizing routine.

  • Tomato Juice for Oily Skin

Fresh tomato juice comes in handy when cleaning oily skin. Also, tomato juice can help close enlarged pores on your face to give you a smooth complexion. Take a ripe tomato and slice it. Rub the slice of tomato across your face to get the tomato juice on your skin. Wait for the liquid to dry and rinse your face with warm water. The fluid absorbs oil from your skin, making it a cheap and effective cleanser for women on a budget.

  •  Potato Juice to Brighten Skin

Potato juice is an affordable and safe brightening agent for dark spots on the skin. It is hard to get a skin problem when you use potato juice to brighten dark areas on your skin. There are two ways that you can extract the juice from potatoes. You can mash raw potatoes, squeeze out the juice, slice the potatoes thinly, and rub the slices to the affected area. Apply the juice on black spots on the face, under the armpits, or any other dark area. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat the process twice a week, and you will see a significant difference by the end of the month.

Photo by Element5 Digital


  • Lemon Water Rinse for Shiny Hair

Lemon has brightening properties that come in handy when your hair is dull. You can make a simple rinse that will improve the appearance of your hair. Mix one lemon into one cup of warm water and pour the mix on your hair after washing it. Leave the mixture on for five minutes and rinse your hair with warm water. Dry your hair and style as desired. You will notice that it is brighter immediately. You can also use the mix on washdays to slightly bleach your hair.

  • Aloe + Lemon to Remove Excess Oil

It is easy for hair to accumulate oil due to the daily styling and application of oil. It takes several washes to remove excess hair products, which is time-consuming. An easier way to clean oily hair is to mix one tablespoon of lemon with half a tablespoon of aloe juice in your shampoo. Lemon and aloe juice work together to remove any oil build up in your hair. The mix allows you to wash your hair once and get all the excess oil out. Try to use fresh lemon and aloe juice for the best results.

  •  Coconut Oil for Deep Conditioning

Deep conditioning hair has many benefits, including moisturizing dry hair, promoting hair growth, and reducing breakage. It is advisable to deep condition your hair once every two weeks. You don't have to buy expensive conditioners and treatments for deep conditioning. 

You need to wash your hair and apply coconut oil. The oil penetrates deep into the hair and nourishes it from inside out. Wrap your head with a treatment wrap and leave the oil on for 20 minutes. You can opt to heat the oil slightly before application for better results. Wash off any excess coconut oil and moisturize as usual. 


  •  Olive Oil as a Moisturizer

Olive oil is a kitchen staple in many households and an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. It's a little heavy for some people, so you can just add it to your lotion for a more straightforward application. Organic extra virgin oil is the best option for you to use. You don't need to buy an extra bottle because the olive oil in your kitchen is good enough for your skin.

  • Coffee and Sugar Scrub

Exfoliating is an essential part of body care to ensure that you have smooth skin. It is a simple way to remove dead skin cells and leave your skin soft to touch. Mix equal parts of coarse coffee and Sugar to make the scrub. You can opt to add oil to the mixture and apply it directly to the skin without using water. Scrub your body with the mix, and then proceed to bathe with soap and water. The homemade scrub works just as well as any scrub found in a spa.

Photo by Lesly Juarez


  • Activated Charcoal

If you can't afford to go to the dentist for teeth whitening, you can opt for an activated charcoal homemade beauty remedy. It is cheap, locally available, and simple to use. Activated charcoal can absorb the particles that stain your teeth, leaving a white, shiny enamel. Also, it doesn't contain acids that can erode the enamel-like lemon and apple cider vinegar.

Start by brushing your teeth to remove any food particles. Apply a small amount of activated charcoal to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual. Give it a minute or two to do the job and then spit it out. Rinse your mouth and go about your day. It would help if you used activated charcoal for several weeks to get the results you desire.

  •  Strawberry + Baking Powder

Strawberries have a mild astringent known as malic acid, and it is responsible for the brightening properties of strawberries. Baking powder is an alkaline that can double as a toothpaste alternative. It would help if you created a paste using strawberries and baking powder for the whitening process.

Mash a strawberry or two and add a teaspoon of baking powder. Mix the two until you get a smooth paste. Use the paste to brush your teeth. Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse your mouth. You will notice a difference almost immediately as the mixture removes a significant amount of stains with each use. Also, you get to enjoy using a toothpaste that tastes like strawberries. When you are done, your breathe will even smell like strawberries.

Hopefully, this article has been helpful. So any time you have a small problem with your skin, hair, teeth, or body, you might want to try one of the remedies listed above. 

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