Tips for working from home

In light of the ongoing pandemic, many people suddenly have to transition to working from home rather than from a traditional office. For some people, this will take some time to get used to, since it's a whole new working way. However, there are some tips and tricks to consider to help you on your way, so keep reading to find out!

Make a Clear Schedule (And Stick To It)

First and foremost, it's truly a necessity that you make a clear working schedule for yourself. When it comes to working from home, many people seem to struggle with the lack of structure that comes with it. So, that's precisely where a defined schedule comes in handy. To make this less abstract, make sure that your working hours and breaks are defined properly and realistically do this. Don't underestimate yourself, but don't go overboard either! 

Once your schedule is up to the mark, you also need to make sure that you actually stick to it. That's the only way you can come close to the feeling of working at an office. Only then will you have a clear, focused mind that will help you through your working day!

Photo by Christophe Hautier

Work On Your Work-Life Balance

One of the biggest challenges in working from home is making sure that your work-life balance is satisfactory. That is to say, when you work from home, you'll find that your work life and your personal life will start to merge, so to speak and that it will be harder for you to draw the line. 

To stop this from becoming a problem, you should find different ways to set boundaries for yourself. You can do this by taking enough breaks in an attempt not to get too caught up in your work. Another proven method is defining what time you get off work and actually stopping working when that moment comes. There are other methods as well, but it all just depends on what works for you!

Photo by Roberto Nickson

Design A Productive Workplace

Furthermore, what's also crucial when you're working from home is that you have access to a peaceful, secluded working space without too many distractions around. That is, your personal workspace should be a place where you can fully focus on your job without being constantly bothered by certain noises and disturbances. This is really a necessity if you want to get your work done and to stay productive.

Besides secluded, this workplace also needs to be clean. Namely, you'll find that it will be much easier to stay focused when you're working in an environment that's not too cluttered. Another thing to keep in mind is that this workspace needs to have plenty of air and light. This all undoubtedly contributes to having a clear, organized mind!

Fix Your Posture

When you're working from home, it can sometimes be hard to pay attention to your posture all the time. Nevertheless, this really should be something to keep in mind! Specifically, when you're not paying attention to your posture while working, this can potentially give rise to different health issues such as painful joints or back problems. Thus, make sure that you're in possession of a decent office chair and that you don't stay in the same position for too long. Otherwise, you'll definitely feel strain when it comes to your muscles and such!

Photo by Jonathan Borba

Make Sure You Get Enough Exercise

Moreover, it's also absolutely recommended to get enough exercise while you're working from home. This way, you'll be able to have a clear mind, which is definitely a necessity if you want to work efficiently. So, make sure that you stretch your legs from time to time! It's also always a good idea to take a walk when you're on your break or even to work out in between your working hours if you'd prefer. When you keep this in mind, you'll find that you'll get tired less easily and that you generally will feel better and more comfortable!

Photo by Matheus Ferrero

Put Effort Into Your Social Life

Last, but certainly not least, you really also should make it a point to put enough effort into your social life. Working from home can get rather lonely for some people, which is very detrimental to your mental health. People are social creatures and need people around them to thrive. Evidently, when you're working at an office, you'll probably have colleagues working around you, and that's not the case when you're working from home. Still, that doesn't mean that you should live a solitary life. It just means that you will need to make an effort to get into contact with enough other people regularly! 


All in all, working from home can be associated with certain drawbacks or challenges, but with these above-mentioned tips in the back of your mind, you'll find that there are surely ways to make it all more manageable. Of course, every person is different, so you will have to figure out what works best for you. However, with the right mindset and attitude, you'll already be off to a great start!

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